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Sonus faber Olympica Nova 1

Sonus faber is not a stranger to most people in the high end audio world. They are well known for creating some of the most visually striking and best sounding speakers available. My very first experience with the brand was a set of Sonus faber Extrema stand mount monitors at a store in Denver, they... Read More »

ampsandsound Stereo ST15 Special Edition Amplifier

Readers of Positive Feedback may already be familiar with Justin Weber's creations. At least two reviews of his products can be found in these pages. Known for elegant and physically small pieces that punch way above their weight class, this amplifier is no different, and this is actually the second review of this particular unit,... Read More »

Paradox Pulse Amplifiers

"If you want the finest amplifiers money can buy here is your chance. The Paradox Pulse mono amplifier uses only the finest of parts throughout including MUNDORF MLytic power supply capacitors, 12 gauge copper foil chokes (DC PI filtering), paralleled transformers, quad stacked Schottky diode bridge, finest transistors available 4302 and 4281, A/C PI filtering,... Read More »

Bakoon International AMP-13R

They say a lot of things about small packages. "Good things come in small packages." There is a certain wisdom in that statement. Of course it rarely has an applicability to Heavy Weight Boxing! The professional athlete that goes 6'8" and plays, basketball, football, soccer, or whatever rarely feels that they would be better off... Read More »

McIntosh RS200 Wireless Loudspeaker System

If you are an audiophile, and have been in the hobby for more than the last five nanoseconds, then you know McIntosh. Easily one of the stalwarts of the industry, and a company that has always paid as much attention to aesthetics as to engineering prowess and quality. That is a lot of attention, by... Read More »

Kanto Audio TUK Loudspeaker System

Recently I reviewed the Kanto YU6, YU4, and the Sub8. For those that may have missed that just a brief refresher... "Kanto was founded in January of 2007. The founders had a vision to build quality products with style—and offer excellent value to customers throughout their life cycle. Many years designing and manufacturing OEM products... Read More »

Paradox Pulse Guard R SMR Cartridge

Can You Build a Better Mousetrap? This is not so much a review of a new cartridge as it is about what happens when you take a tried and true cartridge and make significant modifications to the body, cantilever, and stylus of the cartridge. To down play the impact of cartridge body design and material... Read More »

Kanto Audio YU4, YU4, and SUB8 Loudspeakers

If you have never heard of Kanto or their products don't feel bad. "Kanto was founded in January of 2007. The founders had a vision to build quality products with style—and offer excellent value to customers throughout their life cycle. Many years designing and manufacturing OEM products for large consumer electronics companies gave them the... Read More »

Paradox Pulse Audio Phono 70 Signature Phono Stage

I came upon Paradox Pulse quite by accident while pursuing eBay looking at some used amplifiers. What first caught my attention, and the reason for my contacting them, was the rebodied and retipped Denon 103 R cartridges they were offering. Officially known as a the Paradox Pulse Guard3 R SMR. That will be the subject... Read More »

Sumiko Olympia Moving Magnet Cartridge

This is the second of the new Sumiko Oyster series of cartridges. A few months ago I reviewed the Moonstone, the unit directly up the line form the Olympia (HERE). I found the Moonstone to be an exceptional bargain at the $299 price point. My expectations of the Olympia were to follow suit. So what... Read More »

Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ and Brooklyn Amplifier

I was recently introduced to Mytek, a company out of Brooklyn, NY that specializes in digital electronics. Not being known for being the go-to guy for digital I thought the opportunity to try something completely different was something I could not pass up. Suffice it to say right up front that I am glad that... Read More »

CES High End Audio 2019 R.I.P

"Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the building!" Perhaps an odd opening title bar anywhere but here in Las Vegas. For the last 20 years I have attended CES almost every year save for a couple of misses along the way. In all those years it was a struggle to get out of work to... Read More »

McGary SA-1 Vacuum Tube Stereo Amplifier

Okay everyone! Time for the obvious disclosure! How could I not want to review an amplifier that emblazons my name right on the front of the amp in such fashion? Just ignore that Mc part. This is truly a Gary amp! I was a bit surprised when the unit showed up at my door as... Read More »

Sumiko Moonstone Moving Magnet Phono Cartridge

As I just retired and find myself back full time to the second love of my life (the first being my beautiful wife of 30 years, Paula of course) and that is a lot of dedicated listening and reviewing. Upon throwing my hat back in the ring, almost immediately I was offered a chance to... Read More »

Ayon Titan Evo Monoblock Amplifiers

The word Titan brings a whole lot of imagery to mind for most people. Titan Missile; the king of all intercontinental ballistic missiles. Capable of delivering multiple nuclear warheads to other continents within a matter of minutes. Clash of the Titans; Gods at war using their giant minions to battle. It invokes the image of... Read More »

Ayon CD-3sx CD Player

The Ayon CD-3sx CD Player is a companion piece to the Ayon Triton III integrated amplifier that I reviewed. This is a full-featured Tube Top Loader CD-Player Class-A triode vacuum-tube output stage for single-ended & balanced operation, All the superlatives that apply to any Ayon product apply to the CD3sx. It followed the Ayon formula... Read More »

Ayon Audio Triton III Integrated Amplifier

I have always been a fan of Ayon products. While many of their offerings are not for the faint of heart from a cost perspective you can generally count on the company to produce some of the finest gear around and you could spend a lifetime listening to an Ayon based system without complaint for... Read More »

Jasmine Audio Tiger Moving Coil Phono Cartridge

I cannot remember the last time I did a review that exploded my mythological view of things like this one has done. I have said for a number of years that the Chinese have been ramping up their game in the world of hifi gear design, production and quality of execution. I run Chinese amps.... Read More »

Tiglon Magnesium Cables

TiGLON is not a household name here in the states but if Phillip Holmes has anything to say about it they will be before long. Phillip is the principle and owner of Mockingbird Distribution LLC who are the importers for TiGLON, Jasmine, Abis, Zorin, Jakutus, Mockingbird Speakers, Pyon and a few other items just for... Read More »