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High-End Audio Luminary Michael Fremer Produces His First Record Album

Reprinted with permission from Copper magazine. Michael Fremer needs little introduction to Copperreaders. He's been a stalwart of the high-end audio industry for decades, and is currently the editor of The Tracking Angleand editor at large at The Absolute Sound. He has been a champion of vinyl since long before the days in the early 1980s when the "Perfect... Read More »

Flaunt the Audio Imperfection

Frank Doris is a valued colleague at Positive Feedback, a Senior Associate Editor here, as well, and Editor of Copper magazine, the publication of PS Audio. We republish the best of Frank's writing, with the kind permission of Copper. This reflective essay was first published on October 16, 2023, in Copper, Issue 199, as his "Frankly Speaking"... Read More »

Creating a Musical World With the Slambovian Circus of Dreams

This article is republished from Copper Magazine, edited by Frank Doris, and was written by him. Frank is also a Senior Associate Editor here at Positive Feedback, where he is a valued member of our editorial community. Enjoy! I first heard about the Slambovian Circus of Dreams, aka the Slambovians, a few years ago, from the guys... Read More »

Confessions of a Record Collector, Part One

I wonder if a lot of Copper and Positive Feedback readers are record collectors. Well, I suppose that's like asking if dogs like bones. Record collecting can be fun or frustrating, cheap or expensive. Finding a mint original copy of an RCA Living Stereo Reiner Scheherazade or Meet the Beatles at a garage sale for 50 cents—an... Read More »

Remembering Copper's Dan Schwartz: A Friendship That Went Deep

Reprinted with permission by the author and Copper Magazine. Dan was also a contributor and good friend here at Positive Feedback. I and his friends knew the day would come, but when it did, it was no less of a shock. Copper contributor, bassist extraordinaire, and audiophile Dan Schwartz passed away on May 16, 2023 at age... Read More »

Confessions of a Setup Man 11: Can a System be too Good?

PF Senior Associate Editor shares with us one of his columns from PS Audio's Copper Magazine, Issue 127, December of 2020. He raises excellent issues here, ones that the readers of PF may well benefit from. Enjoy! Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief As audiophiles, we are on what can sometimes seem a never-ending quest for better sound... Read More »

Confessions of a Setup Man, Part 15: Avoiding Burnout

Frank Doris is a good audio friend, and the Editor of PS Audio's Copper magazine. From time to time he shares articles from Copper with Positive Feedback, to bring his excellent writing to our readership. All such articles are re-published with the permission of PS Audio and Copper. We've all experienced burnout in one form... Read More »

Confessions of a Setup Man Part 12: Failed Experiments

Re-published from Copper magazine, Issue 133, and used by permission of PS Audio. Many audiophiles are tinkerers. We're constantly striving to squeeze the last iota of performance out of our audio systems, or we just like to putz with stuff, or we're obsessive-compulsive. Tinkering often involves experimentation. And (cue evil horror movie laugh), the experiments... Read More »

Will A Perfect Audio System Ever Exist?

Frank Doris's article is republished from PS Audio's Copper magazine, Issue 131, and was submitted by him as one of Frank's ongoing contributions to Positive Feedback. As a hard-core audiophile, I've spent the better part of my life working on improving my audio systems. I'll admit—mostly because of selfishness. I want to hear music reproduced as... Read More »

Seeking Clarity About Transparency

Back in the 1980s or maybe earlier, "transparency" became the buzzword in high-end audio. Harry Pearson of The Absolute Sound was a big proponent of the term, and soon many reviewers and sycophants jumped on the idea, to the point where talking about "transparency" quickly became a tiresome cliché. But what does "transparency" really mean? I think most audiophiles... Read More »

The Incalculable Influence of Kraftwerk

Kraftwerk's influence on today's pop music is so pervasive, the band is so historically important, and so much has been written about them already that doing an introduction here almost seems clichéd. But for those who haven't been plugged in: they more or less invented electronic pop music. As such, they've had an incalculable influence... Read More »
