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The Neoteric Listener - The A&K T8iE MK II In-Ear Monitor Headphones

Used to be, the only people needing fancy in-ear monitors were wasted rock stars or serious looking dudes protecting the President. The rest of us settled for crappy little earbuds that could only produce one sound accurately: "Good riddance!" High end IEMs were reserved for world class X-Games competitors barreling off the mini-ramp. But times... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener…The Audio-Technica A2000Z Closed-Back Dynamic Headphones by Dean Seislove

What's that old saying about the more you learn, the less you know? Boy, does that ever apply to the constantly changing world of audio. Changing technology (and physiology) constantly adjusts what best pleases our ears, as evidenced by a return to my review of the Audio-Technica ATH-A900x headphones four years ago with respect to... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Luxman M-200 Stereo Amplifier and DA-250 USB D/A Converter

Ever been burned by an audio purchase? Yep, me too. Although a lifetime of short-term gratification ensures that I'll never have to worry about blowing big money on audio, I have learned on thing: While flash-in-the-pan audio baubles hog all the press, the wise money goes to companies that deliver high quality over time. For... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Eclipse TD508 Mk3 Loudspeakers

Standing behind him, Michaelis saw with a shock that he was looking at the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night. "God sees everything," repeated Wilson. "That's an advertisement," Michaelis assured him - Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby They look like eyeballs to me. At first, they... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The WyWires Platinum Series

And, now, a quick audiophile word association game. What comes to mind when you read the following? Belt drive turntables Quad DSD Marantz Model 9 Electrostatic loudspeakers High End Cables  If you're like me, all of those items produced definite responses, most likely shaped by plenty of articles and opinions like the one you're about... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Ayon Scorpio Integrated and CD-07s Compact Disc Player

The Ayon Audio Scorpio is a heavy, Class A integrated amplifier made of high grade aluminum and powered by gleaming KT88 and 12AU7 tubes. One look and listen, and you know it's textbook audio, the perfect answer to your friends when they say, "So how's a high end amplifier any different from my Yamaha?" Like... Read More »

ampsandsound Kenzie Headphone Amplifier

Headphonemania! Headphones hold top five slots in global audiophile charts! Well, that's what the headlines should say. Headphones, headphones everywhere, and now I see headphone ads from the same companies that used to make my plasma TVs. Even the President is bumpin' his Beats, although that may be just a farewell finger to his non-Beat... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener…Astell and Kern AKT5p Headphones and the Annalyric PC-1 15 Amp Power Cord and USB-1 Digital Cable

Once you know better, who wants to live with worse? PF Editor Dave Clark once described the letdown of listening to speakers from one’s youth and realizing that they don’t measure up as, "Kind of like running into that girl who you thought was so hot back in high school and wondering what the hell... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The MrSpeakers Mad Dog Pro Headphones

"You paid too much for that junk! Take off those fake Vanilla Ice headphones and put on a pair of the real deal!" That's what I'd like to shout when I see somebody sporting one of those garish, neon metallic McHeadphones. Granted, that's hardly polite or inclusive, and who am I to go Grandpa Simpson on... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Music Technology Incorporated Oppo BDP 105D Upgrade

Audio consumers only want to know one thing: "Is it worth it?" You can write, speak, sing, or finger paint about audio products all you want, but nobody stops reading and starts buying until cash equals contentment. What's more, determining value is a tricky thing. The glamor goods have it easy. Speakers the size of... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener…The Triangle Antal Anniversary Loudspeaker

Clothes may make the man, but what do loudspeakers make you? Sure, we all wish the fashion police would drape a hazmat pancho over that ratty Dynaco Dynamite! T-shirt stretched tight as tube top on your audio buddy. But who is in charge of equally egregious audio disasters like the ear-shredding "faithful to the source" experiment? What... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener… The Peachtree Audio nova220SE Integrated Amplifier

Four years ago, when some folks were worrying about WikiLeaks and toot-tooting their vuvuzelas, I spent two thoroughly enjoyable months listening to the Peachtree Audio iDecco integrated amplifier. At the time, I declared that the iDecco was the hands-down, no foolin', best option for anyone desiring a fast, thoroughly modern musical integrated for less than... Read More »

Covalent-Audio Nucleus Headphone Amplifier-Preamp Review

A golden age only happens in retrospect: By the time you realize you're in one, you ain't. Hell, most of us have a hard enough time deciding the winners of the past (ever been stuck in a Linn Sondek LP12 vs Micro Seki DDX-1000 debate?) so speculating on Audio futures is always a dicey proposition.... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener... Out of Your Head Software and the AnnaLyric DPC-2 Power Cord

Our entire hobby is predicated on the contradiction of music reproduction, and one chord strummed live shatters the illusion of high end. But the joy I get from headphone listening, the main system, my car audio (even my Sports Walkman cassette player!) is very real and, often, equal in intensity. I say, leave the audio... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener and The Fritz Hemp 6 Loudspeakers

John (Fritz) Heiler has been designing his Fritz Speakers loudspeakers for over thirty years. His credo is always consistent: He uses the same premium parts as speakers costing much more, and works hard to make affordable speakers that deliver exceptional sound. I've met Fritz many times over the years. He's a really likable, down-to-earth guy,... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener and the Audioengine B1 Premium Bluetooth Music Receiver

Another summer gone. Although nothing could beat the summer of Luxman for exquisite sound quality here at the shack (see HERE and HERE), recent experience with the Audioengine B1 proves once again that audio fun can be simple and inexpensive, if you know what to look for. The Audioengine B1 Premium Bluetooth Music Receiver "My world is perfect!"... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener and the Schiit Lyr2, Bifrost Uber DAC, and Valhalla 2

Thank goodness for Michael Mercer. While other Positive Feedback writers cover headphones, DACs, and amps (Warren Chi, Bob Levi, and our editors spring to mind), nobody proselytizes from the headphone pulpit with as much relentless enthusiasm as monsieur Mercer does for this publication and on his website, Audio360.org. And there's a need to keep the momentum going, judging... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener... the ADL H118 Headphone and ADL X-1 USB DAC Headphone Amplifier

"Well, what'll it be, Dean? The fabulous tube phono stage behind curtain number one? Curtain number two's amazing boutique basket of USB mini DACs? Or the box Carol Merrill is standing beside, which may or may not contain the fabulous audiophile headphone and headphone amp collection set?" "Tough choices, M. Hall, but thank goodness I've... Read More »
