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Notes on the KECES Audio S300+ Power Amplifier and S4 Stereo Preamplifier

A few months ago, I was pleased to write about the KECES Audio Ebravo Streamer Transport. In that review, I noted that the Ebravo, "Elevated the sound in many subtle, but easily recognizable ways." This was all to the good, of course, and that kind of discernible difference is what makes so many of us... Read More »

Keces Ebravo Streamer Transport

Like a god of destruction and rebirth, the internet streamer obliterates the accumulated dross of the audiophile world with one hand, while bestowing untold musical riches with the other. All at no charge. Dump your tables, tubes, and tuners into the ocean. Gift your album caravan to a grateful acolyte who can be dazzled by... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Furutech DSS-4.1 Speaker Cables and DPS-4.1 Power Cable

Cables have it rough. Last in thought, least in budget, forever to be put to work quickly, and then quickly overshadowed by flashier audio gear. When gushing about an audio system, who starts with the cables? Nobody ever, that's who. Such neglect is a crying shame. Cables bear the precious audio signal like a yeoman's... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The AURALiC VEGA G1 Streaming DAC

"Is it live or is it Memorex?" If you're old enough to remember that ad for audio cassettes (hell, if you're old enough to remember audio cassettes) you also remember that nobody had trouble answering the question. I don't care how astounding your Nakamichi Dragon cassette player happened to be, nobody ever walked into your... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Audio Research VSi75 Stereo Integrated Amplifier

It was I who killed punk rock in the Listening Room with the Record Player. Well, kill might be too strong a word, defanged it might be closer to the mark. But at least I learned something about audio, so it wasn't a total loss. The moment square poseurs like me played Black Flag's Damaged... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Butcher Block Acoustics Rigidrack 3 Shelf Rack

I don't suppose I'm alone in admiring those who can really work with their hands. Years ago, while serving a semester-long sentence in woodshop, I envied my pals who could cut, glue, plane, and sand mundane articles like planters and bowls into magnificent works of craftsmanship. Not being able to do any of this, I... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Nola Boxer S3 Bookshelf Loudspeakers

In 2010, I declared, "If you're looking for a pair of standmount monitor speakers and you have about $1500 to spend, buy the Nola Boxers." The quality of sound at that price made the recommendation a cinch. Many other reviewers and audiophiles reacted with the same enthusiasm, so it's not a surprise that Nola continues... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Tweek Geek Dark Matter Stealth AC Power Purifier v.2

If you're all in when playing the game of high stakes audio, the Tweek Geek Dark Matter Stealth AC Power Conditioner is for you. Will you hear a noticeable difference? Yep. Is it worth the cost? That depends on your stash of ready cash and your obsessiveness with elevating your system's impact. Face it, ours... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Gold Note IS-1000 Integrated Amplifier and Streamer

Audio is all about good times. At least, it should be. Yes, I'm like everyone else in this silly hobby, poring over the mysteries of phono cable capacitance or trying to squeeze gear the size of a Mennonite hope chest into a room too small for much hope to fit. Still, at the risk of... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The GLOW Audio Amp Two

Nearly a decade ago, my girlfriend and I co-wrote a favorable review of the GLOW Audio music system, composed of their Voice One loudspeakers, GLOW Amp One integrated amplifier, and Sub One subwoofer. Both of us were mightily impressed by the system's inviting sound and stylish good looks. It was our first experience with single... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Black Cat Cable Stargate Series Interconnects

In a world where smiling boxes mysteriously appear on your porch and contain products that may or may not be missing a crucial part, fail to operate after two days, or simply not work right out of the box, high end audio is a welcome relief. Online forum tirades from the bored and disgruntled notwithstanding,... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Schiit Vidar Intelligent Power Amplifier

More. Nothing drives audio like More. Landfills in every continent are filled with working integrated amps, bookshelf speakers, and last year's gear; discarded like unspooled cassettes by people chasing after More. And in this hobby size matters. Anyone who has been to audio shows has seen attendees do the small system Cha-cha-cha: Glide by the... Read More »

The Audioengine A5+ Wireless Loudspeakers

"Get your station at the touch of a finger!" shouts the vintage ad for General Electric radios. "Touch tuning - Does away with tedious dialing!"  Now, that's an innovation one can hang a fine felt Cavanaugh fedora on. True, the pushbutton worked better in a VW bug than in the home, but you get the... Read More »

All Systems Go! The Bakoon International AMP-41 and DAC-21

We hold these audio Truths to be self-evident…until we don't. There are times when I feel that everything ever said or published about audio is only created so that people can have a good time arguing. One premise, however, is rarely challenged: system synergy. Plenty of manufacturers posit that it only makes sense to purchase matching components from... Read More »

First Take: The Bakoon International AMP-41 Amplifier

Just about ten years ago, when I first started writing the Neoteric Listener column for Positive Feedback, editors Dave and Carol Clark invited me to their home. At the time, the heart of their system featured the substantial Clayton Audio mono blocks and the well-regarded Reimer speakers. Reflecting on my then modest Arcam and Tannoy... Read More »

Prism Sound Callia USB Digital DAC and Digital Audio Preamplifier

Fidelity - a virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed Ambrose Pierce "Fidelity to the source!" A ton of money has changed hands on the promise that some gizmo or recording can, "Put you right there next to the performers!" Unfortunately, those who actually make recordings are rarely content with raw footage.... Read More »

The Gold Note PH-10 Phono Stage and Mediterraneo Turntable

The man knows his business. Truly, the Gold Note PH-10 Phono Stage is a stunning bargain, and the partnering Gold Note Mediterraneo turntable is an absolute delight. Positive Feedback Editor Dave Clark's laudatory review of the Gold Note PH-10 (HERE) and equally favorable column on the Gold Note Mediterraneo turntable (HERE) could have made life... Read More »

Ripping CDs Made Easy...The Acronova Nimbie USB Plus Disc Autoloader

Ripping CDs is a job that's easy to put off.  "Honey, what's the plan for these CDs?" my wife says sweetly. I may be a little obtuse at times, but even I speak enough Spouse to know that what she really means is, "When are you going to get off your duff and do something... Read More »

The Neoteric Listener - The Sonneteer Orton Integrated Amplifier

Sonneteer may not be a familiar company to many of my American compatriots, but they've been in business since 1994 and have a line of audio products receiving favorable reviews worldwide. There's something quintessentially British about the Sonneteer name, so when Arcadia Audio Marketing, Sonneteer's U.S. distributor, asked if I would like to review Sonneteer's... Read More »