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Afterimage Faces to Hide

I am not a music reviewer. Never done that before as I never saw that as something I could do with respect to being faithful to the artist and their music. Pretty much a whole different thing than reviewing audio gear. Of which, that is hard enough. But, out of nowhere I get an album... Read More »

Dave and Carol Clark's Brutus Awards for 2023

Here we are at the end of 2023 and again, not a lot has passed through our doors for review. Why? Neither of us are just not interested in reviewing whatever. We were years ago, but now after reviewing some 35+ years... yeah, no thanks. Been there, done that, and just don't have the interest... Read More »

Network Acoustics' muon pro Streaming System

Network Acoustics is probably best known for their ENO Ethernet Filter (HERE), but they also offer a line of Ethernet and digital cables as well as an assortment of other products to make your network streaming all that much better. And as you will see, a whole lot better. Case in point, their statement muon... Read More »

AURALiC Aries G2.2 Streaming Transporter

If you missed it, the other day I posted a review of the PS Audio DirectStream DAC MK2 (HERE) that was prefaced by the idea that is it ever "As good as it can get?" Or something like that. Simply, one does whatever and sits back thinking that it is as good as it gets…... Read More »

PS Audio DirectStream DAC MK2

"As good as it gets?" I dunno know anymore. Every time we get something here to listen to, and possibly review, we sit there and think just that. Which of course, we thought that the last time… that it was as good as it could get, but now, this time, it is better than that,... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the Telos GNR 5.1 Plus+ Active Grounding Box

Telos has been around for quite some time. I reviewed their active grounding unit in 2016 after hearing it being demoed ion the Positive Feedback Hospitality room at THE SHOW.  Impressed by what it did to the music being played, I ended up buying the demo unit and we have been living happily ever after.... Read More »

Dave and Carol Clark's Brutus Awards for 2022

Been an interesting year or three. Neither of us have done much writing simply because not much in audio interested either of us. The pandemic, health and personal issues, life... but also other things that were positive diversions to both our time and spirit. Audio took a back seat to so much that we just... Read More »

An Audio Journey

So, this is going to be a trip of sorts… one where we take you from our early audio system beginnings to where we are today. Yeah, just like most audiophiles we have seen many changes in our systems, rooms, and listening habits. No doubt for many, music preferences as well. We figure that for... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the Ansuz PowerSwitch A2, Digitalz A2 Ethernet Cable, and the Mainsz X2 AC Cord

There are things one can do to their system that result in changes that are either subtle or dramatic. Little things like feet, tweaks, etc., might provide a nice subtle difference for the better (or worse) while cables and the like might result in greater improvements, while something like a component is rather dramatic. Though... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - the Coherence Systems ADD-POWR Symphony I/O

So, let me pick up where I left off in my last Audio Ramblings… As I had mentioned in the review of the Infigo cable, we have here the rather expensive switch and Ethernet cables from Ansuz, two items from Synergistic Research (the Black Box and the FEQ Carbon), and the Coherence Systems ADD-POWR Symphony... Read More »

Audio Ramblings - Infigo's Sparkle Series USB Cable

So here I am after a few years off from writing about audio—and yes if I wanted to there is a LOT that I want to say, but that will be another time—and where am I heading… a USB cable from Infigo Audio, a rather expensive switch and Ethernet cables from Ansuz, two items from... Read More »

Network Acoustics' ENO

Okay so I have always been about removing or filtering out "noise" or whatever crap is in the signal or wherever… stuff that can cloud or obscure the music. Been after this ever since I realized it was there. Crap that gets in the way of the music. AC conditioners, AC regenerators, signal filters, grounding... Read More »

JCAT Signature USB Cable

Alright, so the JCAT Signature USB cable is one of the better USB cables I have heard, and fits right into my group of favorites in terms of being across the board excellent. And while I have a lot of cables here, I have not heard all that is out there—nor do I have any... Read More »

Purist Audio Diamond Revision 30th Anniversary USB Cable and the Fern & Roby Maverick Phono Preamplifier

A few things on my mind here. Make that two things; digital and analog. Digital as in getting the bits from A to B (in this respect the Diamond Revision 30th Anniversary USB cable from Purist Audio Design - $2100 for the 1.5 meter I have here) and analog in getting the signal from A... Read More »

A Fern & Roby Rack and a Bevy of Olympia Record Crates

So how many of you reading this are getting so tired of the same old "staying at home, and man do I need to mix things up?" state of mind? Well, count us in. As I write this Carol and I have been staying home and not going out, other than around the neighborhood for... Read More »

Dave and Carol Clark's Brutus Awards for 2019

Here we are with our Brutus Awards for 2019, but before we go into who and what, let me digress a bit. This past year has been rather interestingly different for both Carol and me. Entering our third year of retirement we find ourselves spending less time with audio related stuff (specifically reviewing, as it... Read More »

SBooster BOTW ECO MKII Power Supply

After so many years reviewing audio equipment there are a few things that stand out. One is that the better the AC any component is seeing, the better the music comes across—and that is in terms of both musicality and overall sonics. Cleaner is better. Stable is better. Less crap is better. Better is better.... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the SOtM sNH-10G Switch

For those of us who are pushing things in terms of what can we accomplish with playing our music back via files within some networked system, well… where does one stop? Or better yet, what else can one do to improve things? Obviously, it starts with files whether ripped from a CD or sourced from... Read More »

Audio Ramblings and the PS Audio P20

So, when it comes down to getting the best, make that the very best, that one's system can produce sound wise in your room, after all is said and done… let's make sure that the AC that is feeding our components is as good as it can get—like with any AC filtration device or a... Read More »