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A Visit with Mik Bhavnani of Unique Audio UK

A legend has been running in the UK audio scene for many years, of an audiophile with a vast collection of the world's most sought after turntables, amplifiers loaded to the brim with platinum transformers and rare vintage capacitors, and an audiophile lair with a sound that eclipses them all. For a long time I... Read More »

National Audio Show 2016 (UK)

This is my fourth attendance at the National Audio Show held each year at Whittlebury Hall near Towcester, England. I believe this will be the first time our readership at Positive Feedback will have been exposed to this show. This has been the premier show in the UK until the last couple of years where... Read More »

Sound Galleries Monaco Server (SGM2015)

I first seriously embraced the advantages inherent in computer audio when Linn released their first iterations of the DS range of ethernet based streamers and dropped CD players altogether. I felt instantly liberated with access to my entire digital library at the hands of my iPad. At first my brain went into complete overdrive as... Read More »

Sablon Audio Cable Loom

Audio cables seem to induce more fractious behaviour among audiophiles than virtually any other component of the hifi chain. The two camps comprise the hardcore objectivist, who demands rigorous scientific evidence and the subjectivist who is merely happy to report what they hear. I don't wish to dwell on this age-old debate; instead I wish... Read More »

Lampizator Golden Gate DAC

Now, more than ever, the audiophile world is awash with digital to analogue converters. Not a day seems to pass by without entry to the market of yet another shiny box sporting the latest chipset and the ability to decipher the Enigma code. Sarcasm notwithstanding, the audiophile kingdom has a plethora of choice at its... Read More »