Comments on: YG Acoustics Launches the Sonja Series 2 Loudspeaker A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Fri, 03 Jun 2022 03:16:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dave Sturdevant Tue, 25 Dec 2018 06:40:00 +0000 In reply to Greg Weaver.

Yes, Greg. Your two pieces were some of the info that led me to go for the Center Stages. My new amp set (0.8 under CD, 1.0 under amp) is about half way to break in; too soon to tell effect there. P.S. You and I once had a beer together at THE Show in Last Vegas, probably a dozen years ago...maybe at the Tropicana? P.P.S. I also have all SX wires on an aR6 TSSOX power conditioner. And about to spring for the new dCS Bartok DAC/Streamer, if my courage doesn't fail! Hey, keep up the great review work!

By: Greg Weaver Sun, 23 Dec 2018 14:04:00 +0000 In reply to Dave Sturdevant.

Dave, may I assume you've seen my take on the original, and the new Superscript 2, Critical Mass Systems CS footers?

Critical Mass Systems CenterStage Footer: Redefining Performance - Issue 96 April/May 2018

Critical Mass Systems CenterStage2 Footer: Unparalleled Performers - Issue 100 Nov/Dec 2018

Further, I will say that I had the Audionet PRE G2 and MAX monos here for an extended period of time (and even had the Stern/Heisenberg's for nearly two months). And, while the CS footers DID make a difference under the PRE G2/MAX combo (there were not here for my time with the Stern/Heisenbergs), it was considerably less pronounced than with many other systems I've applied them to...

By: Dave Sturdevant Mon, 10 Dec 2018 23:26:00 +0000 Imagine what the system would sound like with Center Stage footers under components! I hope you discussed this with Bill. Yes, I have a set under my CD player. The Center Stages are stupendous; they have to be called revolutionary. I'm waiting for a second set for my amp.
