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Tony Weber

03-15-2014 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 72


It is with the deepest regret and heaviest heart that we report the sudden and unexpected passing of our dear friend and colleague, Tony Weber. While Tony was part of MIT for just less than a year, he shared with us his love, knowledge, and understanding of music that goes unsurpassed the industry. His depth of experience shined through during MIT seminars and trainings he helped craft and performed around the country for Dealers and customers eager to learn. 

Tony was one of the few who could perform live sound demos that were engaging and educational while keeping them entertaining at the same time. That was "just another day" for Tony. The industry has lost a great advocate and an unconquerable road warrior. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family this day, and forever. Out of respect for the Webers', we ask that the curious please refrain from speculating on circumstances in this forum pending an official notification from the family.

The MIT Family