Comments on: Robinson's Positive Feedback Brutus Awards for 2018, Part the First A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Wed, 19 Dec 2018 21:42:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robinson's Positive Feedback Brutus Awards for 2018, Part the SecondPositive Feedback Brutus Awards 2018Robinson's Positive Feedback Brutus Awards for 2018, Part the Second - Positive Feedback Wed, 19 Dec 2018 19:57:29 +0000 […] Audio The Beat LT, another direct-drive turntable system, arrived to take its place (covered in Part the First of my Brutus Awards). Steve Dobbins harnessed up A. J. van den Hul's CSS to the Schröder Linear Tracking (LT) tonearm. […]

By: David W. Robinson Mon, 17 Dec 2018 21:02:00 +0000 In reply to Adam Ryan.

Actually, that's not true, Adam.

Audionet is reorganizing in Germany, and I expect to see them continue. Bill Parish of GTT Audio has a very full inventory of Audionet gear for the US market.

I'm quite optimistic that Audionet will continue its production, and continue to set a standard for fine audio designs.

Dr. David

By: David W. Robinson Mon, 17 Dec 2018 20:59:00 +0000 In reply to Rushton.

Hi Rush...

No, I'll be publishing Part 2 of my MPS-8 review, covering the DSD DAC, Tidal, and Qobuz sections of the MPS-8. That will be a briefer review, though. I've been waiting for Qobuz to sort through their higher resolution PCM options before completing that last section of notes.

I don't expect to have that published before the end of January.

The MPT-8/MPD-8 units should be arriving soon, but Andreas and I haven't set a specific time for the delivery. He would like to bring them personally up from California, but that will depend on his schedule, which is always heavily engaged. If not, he'll ship them.

Either way, that project will be arriving in the near future.

Dr. David

By: Adam Ryan Sun, 16 Dec 2018 18:02:00 +0000 Great shame the Audionet stuff is no more!

By: Rushton Sun, 16 Dec 2018 16:12:00 +0000 Nice collection of equipment being recognized this year, David. Will Part 2 of your review of the Playback Designs MPS-8 now be deferred to the coming evaluation of the MPT-8/MPD-8 duo?
