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Quick Notes: Astell&Kern Remote Control for AK 100, AK120, and AK240

11-23-2014 | By Robert H. Levi | Issue 76

Astell&Kern Remote Control for AK 100, AK120, and AK240 

Bingo! Using the Astell&Kern AK 240 as a server in your main system just got super easy with the delightful AK Remote, $49.95. Using Bluetooth as the connection system, no need to aim your remote in any direction; just push the buttons and away you go from anywhere in the room.

The 1.5 inch by 3.5 inch by half inch cutie is a delight to use, but a bitch to connect with the A&K model. Try the instructions first, then here is the phone number of A&K: 1-949-336-4540. They will talk you through the procedure and be superbly helpful in the process! It is supplied with batteries installed and is light as air. 

Functions include volume, forward, and reverse selection, plus scanning, pause, random, and repeat. You can also select preset equalization curves if you desire. What else could you need? Excellently done, just like the AK series of DAPs. Works with all 3 existing models of AK DAPs and the Mark 2s.

I like to use the Astell&Kern AK-240 as a server connected through the single-ended headphone jack to a gold plated adapter to RCA connectors. I currently use Kimber Select 1036 with the AK-240 for outstanding results. I use 1026 in my near-field system for a slightly warmer sound. The AK-240 sounds just like the cables you are using and the adapter employed. Experiment. Use the fixed output for best sound. No need to have two volume controls in the circuit when feeding a preamplifier. 

I tried the cleverly built-in equalizer using the Pro curve included, and some custom curves as well. This may enhance headphones that are challenged in certain frequencies, but it only obscures definition when used as a server in a high resolution system. The remote allows you to switch the equalizer in and out for comparison purposes. Slick!

I have been waiting for this remote since the first minute I received the AK-240. It is a wondrous addition to the Astell&Kern AK-240 (or their other models) system, and is most highly recommended.
