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PFO Will Host Another DSD Seminar at RMAF 2014

09-01-2014 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 75

The 2014 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is fast approaching. Running from October 10-12, this event has been one of the great regional high-end audio events for years now. For the past few years I have been moderating a series of seminars on DSD audio developments. These have featured many of the leading persons in the design and application of DSD, including hardware, software, and their use in the recording/re-mastering arts.

The PFO DSD seminar panel at RMAF 2013; from distant left, George Klissarov of exaSound, Michal Jurewicz of Mytek (behind Matt Ashland), Matt Ashland of JRiver, Jared Sacks of Channel Classics and nativeDSD.com, John Siau of Benchmark, Jan-Eric Persson of Opus3 Records, Rob Robinson of ChannelD, Chad Kassem of Acoustic Sounds/SuperHirez.com/Analogue Productions, and Jonathan Tinn of Playback Designs. Off frame to the right of Jonathan was Andreas Koch of Playback Designs.

This year, there's a bit of a change in the scheduling of our DSD seminar. Please note that it is now set for Friday afternoon, October 10, from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the main seminar room at the Marriott Tech Center.

Our theme for this year will be "DSD: Analog-to-DSD conversion in home and studio, and an Update on DSD downloads."

The list of panelists includes the following people:

Dr. David W. Robinson, moderator

Dominique Brulhart, Merging Technologies

Chad Kassem, SuperHirez.com, QRP, Analogue Productions, and Acoustic Sounds

Jared Sacks, Channel Classics and NativeDSD.com

Jan-Eric Persson, Opus3 Records

Joe Kubala, Kubala-Sosna Cables and Bluport Records

Jan-Eric Persson of Opus3 Records at RMAF 2013; in the background is Lila Ritsema of Positive Feedback Online. Jan-Eric will be on our DSD panel again this year.

We have worked to keep the number of panelists smaller this year, and since we have a full two hours, there should be more time for each panelist to speak. There will be plenty of time for Q&A with our audience, and also among panelists. I expect that this will lead to a very productive and educational time for those who attend.

Attendance at the RMAF 2013 DSD panel discussion filled every seat…you'll want to arrive early!

Do plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before the session on Friday afternoon, as the history of these DSD seminars shows strong attendance. First come, first served!

The second part of this DSD event will take the form of a ticket-only trip (up to 32 passengers) via bus to The Super Audio Center and Immersive Records studio. This will be sponsored by Playback Designs and The Super Audio Center, and hosted by Andreas Koch of Playback Designs, Gus Skinas of The Super Audio Center, and Steve Vidaic of Immersive Records. Attendees will have the further opportunity to see multi-channel DSD playback in professional settings. Light refreshments will be provided.

Email Andreas Koch of Playback Designs ([email protected]) to reserve your seat on the shuttle for this event. You should do so immediately. Space is limited, and Andreas is the key contact person for reservations for this event.

I'm looking forward to seeing all of you there!

[All photographs and image processing by Robinson]