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Impressions: Final Postcard from Los Angeles & the LAOC Audio Society

01-04-2025 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 137

Another year, another Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society Gala weekend. Early December once again.

Been doing these for a long time, now...over the past number of revolutions around the Sun, chairing the LAOC Audiophile Recording of the Year Awards (ARYA). 2024 was another trip to LA for this event; my photographs and brief comments follow.

The 2024 LAOC AS Gala Weekend occurred on December 7-8. The evening of the 7th was reserved for the LAOC Board dinner, while the Gala happened on the 8th, from 11:00 a.m. until after 3:00 p.m.

As usual, I flew in on the day before the Board dinner, so that I could meet with Dave and Carol Clark, partners and Managing Editors with Positive Feedback. As usual, this was a great time for all of us.

Dave Clark, partner and Managing Editor of Positive Feedback in his living/listening room

Carol Clark: a moment in time...

A dinner "Cheers!" from the Managing Editors and two partners at Positive Feedback to all of our PF friends

Michael Fremer and Bob Levi at the annual LAOC AS Board dinner

Old colleagues at the dinner:  John Atkinson and Michael Fremer, in dry brush...

Dan D'agostino at the Board dinner:  a portrait

Petra D'agostino

John Atkinson chats with Bill McKiegan of Dan Dagostino Master Audio Systems

Grandson Garrett seated next to Grandpa Bob Levi...quite a helper, he was!

One of the tables at the Board dinner

Michael Fremer:  a dry brush portrait at a moment of puzzlement...

Sharyn and Chip Moore

Quite the crowd attended the LAOC AS Gala, as you can see. Sold out!

Positive Feedback's Dean Seislove, a member of now-discontinued LAOC AS ARYA committee, and Chip Moore of the LAOC AS

Jason Lord and Bob Levi on the LAOC AS Gala dais

Bill Schnee, LAOC Innovations Award winner, with George Counnas of Zesto Audio

Angela Cardas, Josh Meredith, and EveAnna Manley at the LAOC Gala

Bill Schnee, Innovation Award winner, Bill Lowe of AudioQuest, and Paul Seydor of The Absolute Sound and the LAOC AS ARYA committee on the Gala dais

Abey Fonn of Impex Records at the Gala

The 2024 LAOC AS Board Members, less yours truly...

Russ Stratton of the LAOC AS:  a moment

And a new generation of audiophile emerges:  Bob Levi's grandson Garrett on the dais

Dan Dagostino with donated integrated amp for the LAOC Gala raffle...the most valuable article ever

Hajime Sato and Abey Fonn

Roger Skoff of RSX Technologies Cables at the Gala

Near the audiophileusa (https://audiophileusa.com) LP sale tables...righteous stuff!

Michael Fremer:  a portrait

At the LAOC AS Gala raffle tables...


This is my last LAOC AS Gala. After many years of our service, the LAOC Board has decided to discontinue the Audiophile Recording of the Year Award (ARYA) committee and its awards.

There being no reason for us...and myself...to continue, I have tendered my resignation to the LAOC AS Board effective in December, 2024. All future coverage of this event will be handled by others.

And so farewell to all that. I'll concentrate on the occasional audio show, audio friends (people, right?!), hardware reviews (there are so many to do!), and listening to the music. 

After all, that's why we do this, no?