Comments on: Journeys in Audio Subjectivism - Part Eight: Of Andrew Jones, Elac, and Spotted Dick A Creative Forum for the Audio Arts Thu, 08 Feb 2018 23:10:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dale Murray Fri, 21 Apr 2017 14:36:00 +0000 I had never heard of Andrew Jones until I started looking for a small set of speakers to be used in my basement office, being a bit of a nutter I could not bring myself to use "computer speakers". Some research and many months later - waiting for the release of the UB5 - I was blown away.

These speakers never made it to the basement - they have replaced my UREI studio monitors as my main upstairs speakers.

I suppose the point I am making above is Andrew and Elac have created something great and changed the level of expectation in regard to audio and engineering.

It would be so great to know more about his approach, and better, stories of his failures. As an engineer, failures are some of the greatest tools for learning.
