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Impressions:  The Blues Masters at Acoustic Sounds, Salina, KS, 2017, a Photo Essay, Part 1 of 3

02-14-2018 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 95

Blues Masters at Acoustic Sounds

David W. Robinson, RMAF 2015 (photograph by Jeff Day)

As I mentioned back in November in Issue 94 when I published the front-end about my trip to visit Chad Kassem's Blues Masters concert in Salina, KS, my attention would not be concentrating on yet another dull event report. The world doesn't need any more of those.

Instead, I would be focusing on the people, the moments, the moods, and the photographs that I might make.

What follows in three parts is the collection of my photographs. These aren't in any particular order, though they very roughly correspond to the progression of events over the three days that I was there. (All photograph and image processing are by me, unless otherwise noted, with the usual copyright protection applying.)

A gallery, then. You're welcome to spend some time here, see, and learn what you can….

Blues Masters at Acoustic Sounds

Chad Kassem, a portrait. Salina, KS, 2017

Blues Masters at Acoustic Sounds

Jontavious Willis, blues guitarist:  a moment

A portrait of Henri Musselwhite

Jontavious Willis playing:  a study

Wayne Goins, jazz professor and master blues and jazz guitarist, in the moment…

David W. Robinson and Michael Fremer in the Blue Heaven Studios control room (photo by Gus Skinas)

Outside Chad Kassem's Blue Heaven Studios building in Salina, KS

The interior of the Blue Heavens Studios building:  a study in black and white

Chad Kassem and his mom, Rita Broussard

Charlie Musselwhite, master blues harmonica player, and Marquise Knox, killer blues guitarist and singer

Jontavious Willis, in a soulful groove…

David Clouston (left) and General Manager Gary Salstrom in the Quality Record Pressings (QRP) stamping area

Stan Bishop in the QRP plating and stamping area

A visitor holding a stamper at QRP

David Clouston in the QRP pressing plant:  a portrait

Michael Fremer at The Scheme tavern in Salina, KS:  a portrait.

Aaron Householter at The Scheme:  a portrait.

In the QRP stamping room…memories galore

At work among the memories of recordings gone by…

Tom Petty:  RIP. QRP pressing plant, Salina, KS, 2017