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Impressions: My Photographic Portraits from RMAF 2019

10-23-2019 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 106

Self-portrait, Variation No. 3. Happy Valley, OR, 2019

The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest of 2019 was not only a great time for music and fine audio systems.

It was also a treasure trove for a photographer like myself.

The Gaylord Hotel and Convention Center, late afternoon, 2019

We all share a common passion for the audio arts, but for me it's the people who are the most important part of any audio show.

Following are my photographic portraits from RMAF 2019.

Carol Clark with wine

Stuart Smith photographing me photographing him

Linnette Smith

EveAnna Manley and Michael Fremer

Linnette Smith and Carol Clark

Marjorie Baumert

Steven and Heather Rochlin

Stuart and Linnette Smith:  a moment in time

Bill Leebens and Majorie Baumert

Ted Denney

Louis Desjardins

Alex Brinkman

Garth Leerer

Steve Dobbins

Benno Meldgaard

Mark Sossa

Ed Meitner

Chad Kassem

Jason Henriques

Greg Beron

Harry Lee

Ed Meitner and Garth Leerer

Carl Marchisotto

Chad Kassem

EveAnna Manley

Peter McGrath

Russ Stratton and Steve Taft

Raphael Pasche

Mark Sossa and Vinnie Rossi

Marc Sheforgen

Joe Parvey

Ari Margolis

Eric Shim

Nuno Vitorino

Chebon Littlefield

John-Paul Lizars and Harry Lee

Andy Wiederspahn

Hans-Ole Vitus, Greg Beron, and Ozan Turan

Garth Leerer in action

Oliver Göbel, Louis Desjardins, and Raphael Pasche

Greg Beron

Anthony Bunn-Major, Nuno Vitorino, Amelia Santos, and Steven Gomes

Oliver Göbel

Bill Leebens:  a final cheers!

All photographs and image processing by David W. Robinson