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Greg Weaver, the audio analyst©: the Latest Chapter of a Lifelong Journey

01-06-2021 | By Greg Weaver | Issue 113

A portrait of Greg Weaver, Chicago, 2018. Photograph and image processing by David W. Robinson.

Greg Weaver is a very good audiobud of mine. I first became aware of him back in the 90s, when I received a copy of his the audio analyst newsletter. His prose and commentary on LPs were top-notch. I got in touch with him, we hit it off, and Greg joined Positive Feedback in the later 90s. Since then, he has contributed quite a number of articles and reviews here. As a result, he is now a Senior Associate Editor at PF, while also maintaining additional positions at other publications.

This past year, he started a weekly YouTube series for the audio analyst. I have been following it all along, and continue to enjoy the insights, passion, commitment, and authority that Greg brings to these videos. I recommend that you subscribe to his channel, and check out these unique YouTube presentations from his listening room in Indiana. I think that I can safely say that you'll enjoy them!

I certainly do.

Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief

Positive Feedback

I've been playing with and selling audio gear since before my sixteenth birthday (1971), and I started reviewing and writing about the industry and my beloved audio gear at the age of thirty-two (1988) when I started my first print magazine, the audio analyst©. Furthermore, I had been talking about, and putting off, starting some manner of video channel dealing with high-performance audio and sharing ways to maximize the joy of recreating music in your personal space since about 2016. With the Covid-19 lockdown this past spring, by March of last year, once it was clear there would be no shows or expos to attend, I had finally run out of excuses. On Mother's Day, May 10th of 2019, after a full rework of my website, I launched the audio analyst© YouTube channel with a biographical commentary recounting my audio journey thus far, called simply, "Who is the audio analyst©."

Since then, I've posted 32 Episodes, almost one every week, covering a wide-ranging variety of topics, from commentary on the industry, doing interviews, and presenting instructional information, to in-depth examinations of specific recordings (called Guilty Treasures—a series I initiated amid the cyber-pages of Positive Feedback back in the spring of 2005) and hardware reviews. I have to say that the response has been even more encouraging than I had dared hope.

Some of you may be aware that I've been writing for the good doctor and Positive Feedback for two and a half decades now. Though my first article appeared in the print version back in 1995, my most recent was the first review of the remarkable Parasound Halo JC 1+ Mono Amplifier, which appeared in Issue 109, back in May/June of last year. But as a follower of the Channel from Episode 1, it was after viewing Episode 32, a review of the sublimely overachieving flagship DAC/Streamer/Headphone Amplifier from iFi, the Pro iDSD, that my now good friend and colleague, the Editor-in-Chief of this very publication, Dr. David Robinson, felt strongly enough about my on-camera efforts that he kindly offered to introduce you all to this new face of my work. So, without further ado… Episode 32: The iFi Pro iDSD