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Dr. David W. Robinson, Yarlung Records, and DSD

06-02-2015 | By David W. Robinson | Issue 79

Dr. David W. Robinson, Yarlung Records, and DSD


David W. Robinson, enjoying some holy smoke of a recent afternoon. Photograph by John W. Robinson…yes, one of my sons, who was also enjoying a fine pipe!

Bob Attiyeh is the President and Chief Producer-Audio Engineer at Yarlung Records. He has just released an article talking our good friendship and common passion for great recordings taking to Quad DSD. He suggested that we publish the link here at PF, and so we are doing so.

Rather than republish the article in our own pages, we would prefer that you go to the very worthy Yarlung Records site, read the article, and check out the rest of their site. It's a great place to be!

You can also check out their great selection of Quad DSD transfers done from the true original 15 ips half-track quarter-inch master tapes at NativeDSD.com.

You'll find Bob's article here.
