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The Audio Note (UK) M6 RIAA Phono Preamplifier - Next Level Performance!

10-21-2024 | By Jeff Day | Issue 135

Listening Impressions

I believe M6 RIAA phono preamplifier is truly a next level phono preamplifier in its overall performance, and not just the " next level" up in Audio Note (UK)'s "performance level system" from the M3 RIAA.

The M6 has high-performance characteristics that go well beyond the norm, which I think breaks important new ground in several aspects of its performance.

I've found the M6 to present a difficult challenge to me as an audio reviewer, as the mainstream audio reviewing terminology isn't really capable of describing all the aspects of the M6's performance adequately.

I'll explain what I'm hearing in as complete a fashion as possible, and I'll introduce a couple of ideas to you that I think will provide more insights into what I'm hearing from the M6.

I've been happily listening to the Audio Note (UK) Level Three M3 RIAA phono preamplifier for quite a while, and it is a truly impressive phono preamplifier.

When the Level Four M6 RIAA phono preamplifier arrived for review I was really curious about how it could improve upon the performance of the M3, and if so, by how much.

After getting the M6 unboxed and reading through the owner's manual, I settled into getting the M6's 100-hour bedding-in time underway, so I could get all its circuit components to their full performance level so that I could compare it to the M3. So as you might imagine, I've been busy listening to a lot of record albums.

Cold out of the box the M6 RIAA sounded a bit brash, but as it bedded-in, it became smoother, more detailed, more spacious, and more natural sounding.

After arriving at the 100-hour mark, I was able to do listening comparisons with the M3 and M6 RIAA, which gave me insights into how going from Level Three (M3) to Level Four (M6) improved sonic performance.

Level Three Versus Level Four

In this article I want to describe the performance improvement I heard when going from the Level Three M3 RIAA to the Level Four M6 RIAA due to its circuit components upgrades, but I want the focus to be the M6's performance, because it is really something special in terms of its overall performance.

During my listening sessions, I listened to quite a number of albums that I've never listened to before. These albums were given to me by friends cleaning out their analog closets (thanks!). I had no preconceived notion of what those albums would sound like, for good or bad, or if I would even like the kind of music on them. I guess you could call it 'adventure listening' to hear something new and unfamiliar.

I also listened to albums that I am very familiar with, and enjoy, ranging across the spectrum of lower-fidelity albums from earlier in the eras of the recording arts with musical performances I am enamored by, to the 'audiophile standards' that feature stellar recordings from the best of the stereo magnetic era of recording. 

The 10,000 Foot View

First I'll mention a few of my "10,000-foot view" perceptions of these two upscale phono preamplifiers.

Both the M3 and M6 are dead quiet at idle. When the music starts playing, going from the M3 to M6, I heard a more accurate, authentic, dynamic, authoritative, and dramatic presentation of the music.

While both the M3 and M6 are impressive in their overall sonic quality, I found the M6 to be more detailed, more spacious, smoother, richer, and more liquid sounding. The M6 has a naturally warm sound that leans more into the flesh and blood side of life, with more detailed and fleshed-out harmonics, timbral textures, and vocal articulations.

The magnitude of performance improvement when going from the M3 to the M6 was considerable, and commensurate with the increase in its price. Given that the M6 is about twice the price of the M6, does it perform at a level that is twice as good? Yes it does, and maybe more than that, particularly in several important aspects of performance.

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