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The Audio Note (UK) CD 5.1x Red Book CD Player - Unicorn Sighting!

09-09-2023 | By Jeff Day | Issue 129

Audio System for This Review

For this article I used my Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers that have been hot-rodded with an internal rewire using vintage Western Electric WE16GA tinned-copper wire, and custom external Duelund crossovers that utilize pure silver Duelund CAST components in the high-frequency / midrange circuit, and Duelund CAST pure copper components for the rest, with Duelund DCA16GA tinned-copper wire connecting everything together within the crossover.

The Audio Note (UK) Meishu Phono Silver Tonmeister 300B single-ended-triode (SET) integrated amplifier (review HERE) was connected directly to the external Duelund crossovers with Audio Note (UK) AN-SPe silver loudspeaker cables.

The Audio Note (UK) CD 4.1x and CD 5.1x were connected to the Meishu with Audio Note (UK) AN-V interconnects terminated with RCAs, and a pair of AN-V silver interconnects terminated with XLR connectors on the source end, and RCAs on the Meishu end (more HERE), respectively.

The vinyl front end was my CTC Garrard 301 fitted with a Schick tonearm and an Audio Note (UK) Io I MC phono cartridge, with the signal going to an AN-S4 step-up transformer, and AN-V silver interconnects connecting it to the Meishu.

Cable thoughts: Audio Note (UK) components are voiced to be at their optimum level of performance with their own cables. For this Level of components the AN-V silver interconnects and AN-SPe silver speaker cables (above) were recommended to me for the best performance. Indeed I did find that to be the case, as when I substituted other cables for the AN-V & AN-SPe combination it noticeably compromised the overall performance of these components.

The wall AC outlets consisted of Acoustic Revive CB-1DB receptacle base plates, CFRP-1F carbon fiber outlet plates, and custom modified Acoustic Revive modified Oyaide R-1 receptacles.

AC from the outlet to the Acoustic Revive RPT-6 Absolute NCF Power Distributor was via an Acoustic Revive Absolute power cable, and power cables to components were a mix of Acoustic Revive Power Reference TripleC NCF AC power cables (amplification components), and Acoustic Revive Absolute power cables (source components).

Now lets do a little listening.