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The Acoustic Revive Chronicles, Chapter 15: RTS-30 Turntable Mat, RHS-1 Headshell, RHR-21 Helmholtz Resonator, CS-3K Outlet Stabilizer, RCI-3HK Cable Lifts, and RGC-24K Ground Conditioner!

07-10-2024 | By Jeff Day | Issue 134

Summary and Conclusions

Like all Acoustic Revive audio accessories, the new RTS-30 turntable mat ($241 USD), RHS-1 headshell ($558 USD), the RHR-21 Helmholtz resonator ($938 USD each), the CS-3K outlet stabilizer ($406 USD), the RCI-3HK cable lifts ($168 USD each), and the RGC-24K ground conditioner ($613 USD), are innovative audio accessories that are built with a superb level of craftsmanship and the best materials. 

While they work well as separate components, I think the RTS-30 turntable mat and RHS-1 headshell are best used together as a complimentary pairing—that's how you maximize their performance. Beautiful quality and exceptional performance—highly recommended to vinyl lovers everywhere.

The RHR-21 Helmholtz resonators are fascinating and innovative accessories for treating your listening room, and as far as I know, the RHR-21s represent the first application of Helmholtz resonators for room treatment in audio. 

If you have listening room with parallel walls, and the usual low-frequency standing waves, flutter echo in the mid- to high-frequency parts of the audio spectrum, that accompany those sorts of rooms, the more you will benefit from the RHR-21s. 

My living room where my main music system resides, really doesn't have those sorts of issues, so I can't really comment on that aspect of the RHR-21s performance, but I have noticed the RHR-21s are getting rave reviews from recording studios, and other audio reviewers, where they are said to deal with those kinds of room issues very well. 

In my living room with my main music system, the RHR-1 Helmholtz resonators made a large difference in the visuospatial performance (soundstage and imaging), as well as a notable difference in transparency, and more natural tone and texture of vocals and instruments. I found it interesting that they had such a dramatic effect on visuospatial performance, and could extend the depth dimension of the soundstage dramatically, for example, when placed in one position, and yet compress the depth dimension when placed in another position. Experimenting with placement is key to getting the most out of the RHR-21s. 

The RHR-21s are rather expensive—but powerful—audio accessories, so I recommend you try them before you buy them to make sure they'll be a good match to your room. Highly recommended, but a conditional recommendation, depending on the sort of issues your listening room has.

The CS-3K outlet stabilizer and the RCI-3HK cable lifts are vibration damping accessories, and I've been using the earlier versions of these in my audio systems for over a decade.

The CS-3K will shock you that a passive device could work so well at improving the sound quality by reducing vibration at the outlet, and the RCI-3HK cable lifts work well too, are beautifully crafted, and I think you'll like them as much as I do. Highly recommended. 

The RGC-24K ground conditioner was intended originally for the Japanese power grid which doesn't utilize earth grounds.

If that sounds anything like your power grid, then the RGC-24K can provide a dramatic improvement in grounding for your audio components. The RGC-24K also provided performance improvements to my Leben components in the USA power grid, which does utilize earth grounds.

I found with the Audio Note (UK) equipment that I have here now, the RGC-24K did not provide a noticeable enhancement to performance.

Highly recommended, but you should try the RGC-24K before buying to make sure it works with your components. 

I recommend all of these Acoustic Revive accessory products, and all of the accessories from the previous chapters of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles. You can see a list of the previous chapters of the Acoustic Revive Chronicles in the archives HERE.

With some of these accessories (as discussed in the article), the magnitude of their performance enhancement can depend other factors, like your listening room's dimensions / issues, or the design of your power grid with respect to earth grounds, or how well the accessories will work with the particular audio components you have, etc., so for those, try them before you buy them.

The CS-3K outlet stabilizer is an exception to the try before you buy rule, and if you don't have experience with Acoustic Revive products, it would be a great place for you to start your accessories adventures. Highly recommended.

If you don't have a feel for how these Acoustic Revive audio accessories might work in your own listening room and audio system, I recommend you try them first, either through your local dealer, or through The Cable Company's Lending Library

Many thanks to Mr. Ken Ishiguro and Mr. Yoshi Hontani for sending these Acoustic Revive accessories for review.

I am always impressed with the quality and performance enhancement wrought by Acoustic Revive accessories, and I think you will be too.

As always, thanks for stopping by, and may the tone be with you!

Acoustic Revive


For information about where to buy Acoustic Revive accessories in your part of Planet Earth, please contact Mr. Yoshi Hontani