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Siltech Triple Crown Power AC Cable

03-01-2018 | By Wojciech Pacuła | Issue 96

The information regarding the design of the Siltech Triple Crown Power AC Cable provided by Siltech seem to be simple and few:

  • Unique 7 heavy core S8 mono crystal silver conductors,
  • Stabilized air core insulation,
  • Spatial balanced for perfect EMC canceling behavior over an extreme frequency range,
  • Ultra-stable operation even under high current demand,
  • Bending the cable does not alter its unique properties, i.e. very low distortion. The manufacturer says it's "distortion-free", but there is no such thing so it should be understood as "extremely low".

These are just a few points, a simple message, but behind it there is massive load of work that took years, hundreds of thousands of euros spent on research and one of the best, and for me simply the best, AC power cord. No wonder that for a one-and-a-half-meter unit you will have to pay almost PLN 57,000.

The readers of High Fidelity should be familiar with Siltech power chord as you could read about it already in July 2017, in the report from the 109th meeting of the Krakow Sonic Society, when Gabi van der Kley-Rijnveld and Edwin van der Kley came to us with one of the first presentations in the world. Already at that time it was obvious that they were able to prepare a cable that attracts attention equally with the interconnect and speaker cables from the same royal Triple Crown series.

And, let me remind you, that it was not so clear for us—that is KTS members. Listening to the Double Crown cables beginning of January 2013, we appreciated interconnects and speaker cables, but we had problems with accepting power cables. While they worked perfectly in the full Siltech system, used separately could not always fit into a different cabling system(see HERE and HERE).

But when Edwin told us about his new product, about Triple Crown Power, he did not even try to hide his pride and relief—after many years of research, he finally managed to fully implement all the solutions that resulted from his research and exploration. Siltech's efforts in this field have been appreciated—during the exhibition the Triple Crown Power cable received The Rocky Mountain International HiFi Press Awards 2017 in the "AC Cables" category; let's add that the magazine High Fidelity is part of the jury of this award, and our logo can be found on its diplomas (more HERE).

The International Hifi Press Award for Siltech Triple Crown Power. On the picture, Lincoln Cheng from Audiotechnique magazine, member of the jury, and—holding the award—Edwin Rijnveld.

Image by Siltech

Triple Crown Power

Siltech Triple Crown Power AC Cable

The basics, i.e. the geometry and materials of conductors and dielectrics, are common throughout the whole series. As in the Double Crown series, the conductor is mono-crystalline silver without the addition of gold. Now there is simply more of it—in the Triple Crown series we will find stands with the largest cross section used so far.

In addition to the conductors themselves, the shielding of the cable is also new. Siltech uses its own solution called Air Cradle Construction. Because the problem of thick cables is their stiffness, as well as irreversible changes in the structure of both crystalline structure and macro-structures, i.e. internal topology, the most work was put in to make both these elements stable. They managed to prepare a cable with a large diameter, which is stiff, but—according to my observations—quite practical to use. There is no question of high compliance, only the smaller diameter endings are quite flexible. As we read in company materials, work on this one aspect lasted two years.

Siltech Triple Crown Power AC Cable

The most important question, however, concerned the research methodology, that is, what to measure, how to measure it and how to interpret the results of these measurements. Still many people "do not believe" (as if it was a matter of belief) that the power cables change the sound. Edwin, however, has no doubts about it and says that "power cables have an unexpectedly big effect on played music. Too often, however, this impact is negative and simply degrading" (from: siltechcables.com, accessed: December 2017).

How can power cables cause such a clear degradation of sound? Lets ask after Edwin. And, also after him, let's answer: in specific frequency ranges the sources of distortion are magnetic fields, affecting the entire electronics in the system and other cables (interconnects) in the close vicinity of power cables, inducing currents in them not related to the music signal, and yet this signal affecting. And this is the field on which the main design work focused on the development of a new cable.

And that's not the only problem you have to face. Another challenge is that these currents can have a surprisingly high amplitude and cause saturation of power cables, which translates into audible distortions, especially at the so-called "peaks" of electricity consumption. Disturbance currents generate harmonics that are a multiple of basic power frequencies; for Poland and Europe it will be 50Hz, and 60Hz for the USA. According to Edwin, the highest amplitude of these harmonics can be seen in the range from 100/120Hz to 450/500Hz (respectively: Europe / USA).

The task of Siltech engineers was to counteract the magnetic field, the source of these distortions. For analyzing and three-dimensional visualization of magnetic fields, the company used advanced COMSOL software and high-performance measurement systems: FW Bell (3D Gauss) and Audio Precision (THD). The ultra-sensitive FW Bell measurement systems are used to design read / write heads for hard drives. It is worth noting that the newly developed ground management system allowed manufacturer to give up switches that can be used to disconnect it in Triple Crown interconnects.

A lot of time and energy has been devoted to optimizing new power cables so that their operation is stable and repeatable regardless of the type of device powered by them—digital or analog, tube or semiconductor. Because, for example, class D amplifiers or amplifiers with switched power supplies (eg Chord and Soulution), from the point of view of the power source behave differently than those with linear power supplies, as well as those working in class A or AB. And in the power supplies of tube amplifiers, chokes are often used, which again translates into different needs. As we read in company materials, Triple Crown cables are optimized for both linear and SMPS systems, which means that magnetic interference with neighboring cables and electronics is minimized, even in "extreme wide" frequency band and current range. The description of the cable ends with a simple statement:

We believe we have achieved the goal set by our high engineering standards.


The reviewed cable was compared to two other cable used in High Fidelity reference system: Acoustic Revive Power Reference Triple-C and Acrolink Mexcel 7N-PC9500. It powered three different devices: Ayon Audio CD-35 HF Edition No. 01/50 SACD Player, Ancient Audio Lektor AIR V-edition CD Player and Grandinote Celio mk IV phonostage.

All cables were hooked to Acoustic Revive RTP-4eu Ultimate power distributor, that was connected using 2 m long Acrolink Mexcel 7N-PC9500 to Furutech FT-SWS wall outlet. From the socket to the gold-plated fuse there is a separate power supply line to the connection board  featuring the Oyaide Tunami cable.

Test was performed as A/B comparison with A and B known.

SILTECH in High Fidelity

  • KRAKOW SONIC SOCIETY | Meeting #109: Crystal Cable THE ULTIMATE DREAM | power cable AC/Siltech TRIPLE CROWN POWER | power cable AC  HERE
  • TEST: Siltech TRIPLE CROWN HERE  – analogue interconnect
  • KRAKOW SONIC SOCIETY | Meeting #97: Siltech TRIPLE CROWN HERE - interconnect + speaker cable
  • AWARD | STATEMENT AWARD 2013: Siltech ROYAL SIGNATURE SERIES DOUBLE CROWN EMPRESS + EMPEROR + RUBY HERE-  interconnect + speaker cable + power cable
  • TEST: Siltech ROYAL SIGNATURE SERIES DOUBLE CROWN EMPRESS + EMPEROR + RUBY - interconnect + speaker cable + power cable, see HERE HERE
  • KRAKOW SONIC SOCIETY | Meeting #86 | Siltech DOUBLE CROWN, see HERE


Recordings used in the test (a selection)

  • Five Songbirds, First Impression Music FIM048 VD, HDCD (2005)
  • Aretha Franklin, A Rose Is Still A Rose, Arista Records 18987-2, Master CD-R (1998)
  • Diana Krall, The Look Of Love,Verve/Universal Music LTD 983 018-4, XRCD24 (2001/2005)
  • Ferdinand Fisher, From Heaven on Earth, perf. Hubert Hoffmann, Challenge Classics CC72740, SACD/CD (2016)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach, Six Suites For Solo Cello, perf. János Starker, Mercury/Stereo Sound Reference Record SSHRS-011/014, "Mercury Living Presence/SS Laboratory Series", 2 x SACD + 2 x CD (1965/2017)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach, BWV… or not?, Gil Incogniti, Amandine Beyer, Harmonia Mundi HMM 902322, CD (2017)
  • Maanam, O!, Pronit/MTJ, Damian Lipiński Mastering, Master CD-R (1982/2017)
  • Miles Davis, Bitches Brew, Columbia/Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab UDSACD 2-2149, "Special Limited Edition No. 1229", 2 x SACD/CD (1970/2014)

Comparative tests, and with such we are dealing in audio, assume finding and describing differences. This is a good, proven method that allows you to indicate in a quite precise way the elements that make up the sound of a given component of the audio system. On its basis, if we are skilled at it, you can also properly interpret these changes and finally evaluate the product.

It can be noticed that during the test (listening session) the hierarchy of comparisons is quickly established—we have a tendency, or at least I have such a tendency, to pay attention to what is better by building a vertical structure of comparisons with the arrow pointing up. It seems that I try to find, above all, what is being improved, often even repaired. However, with Siltech nothing is typical. The other test topology was immediately established—I was looking for what I lose, what—when replacing it with any other power cable - is worse. It is also a vertical structure, but the arrow was directed downwards in this case.

Siltech Triple Crown Power AC Cable

Rysiek, one of the founding members of the Krakow Sonic Society, listening to music at Janusz's, points out to the fact that he can "hear" the Siltech cable, which in the KTS meetings host's system powers Ayon player (HF Edition No. 02/50). Without going into the matter of Rysiek's competency, we argue almost every time, but I have to admit that I also "hear" it more and more often—but differently, I rather hear what other cables lack in comparison. Siltech itself also has its own sound, that's inevitable. However, it is still too early to precisely indicate these features, since they are not specifically pronounced.

However, it is easy to determine what the cables compared to it did worse and on this basis to determine the advantages of the Dutch "king". It was a surprise for me how dark—in this comparison —the Acoustic Revive Reference Power Triple-C cable sounded like (of course, it is about changes introduced to the sound, but I will use as simplifications such as: 'sounds', etc.). The surprise is justified, because AR is a cable that modifies the sound towards opening, has a great signal attack and the last thing you can say about it is that it is "dark" or "warm".

But in comparison with Siltech it seemed so to me. To verify this finding I compared this Japanese cable with others, eg Acrolink Mexcel 7N-PC9500, and everything "returned to normal", i.e. the Acrolink was darker and warmer. Returning to Siltech, I received the same effect again, but with AR in the spot that Acrolink had taken in the previous comparison. After some time, this impression became clear - the cable from the Netherlands is unusually open and resolving. I've never heard anything like this before. Even other fantastic power cables, such as: Harmonix X-DC Studio Master Million Maestro and Verictum Demiurg, sound in such a comparison—if I my memory serves—quite dark and warm.

Does it mean that Siltech is bright? It's just the opposite! It offers a dark, dense, low-pitched sound. Let me explain this seeming contradiction. Brightness and darkness result from two things: either from tone correction or from lower or higher resolution. A correction of tone is simply moving the tonal balance up the band, or the emphasizing of the whole range or part of it. This happens often and is the result of striving to open the sound where it can not be done differently.

And this happens also due to the lower resolution. This is an interesting thing—the less information a given audio product "transmits", the more bright it sounds, at least it seems to do so. Because in order to maintain a reasonable tonal balance we must then emphasize the attack, brighten the sound. Let's improve the resolution—and we can reduce or even abandon the tone correction, because the sound opens naturally. So on one hand, the presentation gets darker, and on the other it seems brighter—this is high-end.

It is very clear on the example of the sources of the signal and that is why for a long time digital sources sounded just bad. Over time, the differences have diminished and today—of course, in my opinion - the best CD players and SACDs have to offer as much as turntables. But the sound can be even better—by getting to this extreme we get a sound like from an analogue master tape. And this is the nature of Siltech's Triple Crown sound.

Siltech Triple Crown Power AC Cable

The openness I am talking about is an incredible amount of information. There is no hint of sharpness in it, but rather (if I must use a comparison) silkiness, smoothness. It is a music-generating accumulation of information from which any shape, timbre, decay is built. Besides, I do not think about the top of the band, because this applies to the entire range. This is also clearly marked on the other extreme—the bass is beautifully multicolored, but at the same time it goes very low, much lower than with both reference cables. It also has a slightly soft, and thus a natural attack, it does not need support through hardening or emphasizing.

However, let me return to the hi-fi analysis in this way, although we are talking about top high-end and music. And the latter gains meaning with it. In the sense that wit it a lot more "happens" than with other cables. It is obvious that both Acoustic Revive, and Acrolink, and other cables I mentioned are great, each in its own way. I still use the first ones in my system, but I can not really imagine listening to the Ayon player with something other than Siltech. That's what comparison is based on in audio: the differences are everything and every improvement puts in a bad light what seemed best to us just minutes ago.

The Triple Crown power cord does it in a stronger and more unambiguous way than the previous power cables from this manufacturer. These are good, honest product, I have no doubt about it. But only their new reference is better without any "buts", its advantages are clear with any device. It triggers the best from the all recordings, it differentiates them in such a perfect way that it would be a fantastic tool for professionals, for example in a mastering studio. 'Perfection' is, of course, arbitrary, it says more about my experience than about the cable itself.

The presentation explodes with dynamics, colors, space. It is an underground explosion, so to speak, no fireworks, soaring acts, geysers. The recording sound incredibly serious, mature and therefore real with Siltech. It's a cable that does not have to prove anything; others have to do it. It is an equivalent element of the audio system and can cost as much as any of its so-called "main" elements. You don't believe me? Try it yourself, it will be a valuable experience.


Siltech Triple Crown Power is my favorite AC power cable. It is also the best I know, but I understand the importance of synergy in a system, so it may happen that in a different configuration, the better choice will be Harmonix, Furutech, Acrolink, Acoustic Revive, Verictum, Shunyata or some other cables. For me there was no doubt: it's the cable that perfectly meets my requirements for this type of product, which deepens my knowledge about recordings and tested devices, speakers and cables, with which my system sounds much, much, much better. I bought it so it stays in the reference system, thus completing the entire Triple Crown system. It's probably an exaggeration, but let me say this: it makes bigger differences than the interconnect and speaker cable of this manufacturer. Well deserved GOLD Fingerprint as the best of the best.


Triple Crown Power is an AC power cord from Siltech. It is available in a length of 1.5 m, but can be delivered in different length upon order. The packaging is exemplary—it is a large, rigid box in which the cable is placed in a rigid foam. The box is put inside a black "sachet" with handles, that features small pocket for instructions for use. It is not a "piece of art", but it looks really nice and is functional.

The cable is stiff, so you need to leave a lot of space behind the component you connect it to. On almost the entire length, we have a thick coating stabilizing the cable mechanically and only at the 15cm light blue ends are left thinner. At the ends of the covered with navy blue mesh coat cable, an impressive, gold-plated metal boxes were placed, being part of the anti-vibration system.

Conductors are silver wires cast at the Siltech factory in a patented process. As a result, ultra-fine solid-core silver wires with a mono-crystalline structure are obtained. They are used by Siltech in all Royal Signature cables, and the company's name for this solution is X-tal. The conductors in the top cables have a rectangular cross-section, not round, and are placed in a dielectric in the form of tubes filled with air and twisted using a method developed in Siltech.

The plugs used in Triple Crown Power are known from other top cables, e.g. Acoustic Revive Power Reference Triple-C. These are Furutech FI-50 and FI-E50 NCF series (Nano Crystal² Formula) with piezoelectric copper rhodium elements, cryogenic heat treatment, etc.

Siltech Triple Crown Power AC Cable

Price (in Poland): 56 900 PLN/1,5 m


Nieuwe Stationsstraat 10 | 6811 KS Arnhem

Netherlands |

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Provided for test by



Text: Wojciech Pacuła

Images: Wojciech Pacuła

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